Our team, and that includes the community we are building, are experts in our field dedicated to educating others on how to live healthier.
Take Your Performance Medicine
Medical care in our current health care system is not about making you better than you are today. It does not help you reach a higher level of everyday function, energy, and performance.
Coach Camm: Elect To Walk More 11.5
The SL Glute Bridge with Pullover is the ultimate full body primer movement. Use it in your warm up or as a standalone strength building exercise.
Coach Camm: Exercise of the Week 10.28
The SL Glute Bridge with Pullover is the ultimate full body primer movement. Use it in your warm up or as a standalone strength building exercise.
Nutrition Nugget of the Week: Calorie Counting
“Calorie Counting” is one of the most polarizing subjects in health and fitness.
Training Tip of the Week: Feelings
Training Tip of the Week: Don’t be in such a rush with your strength training.
"These Glutes Are On Fire🎶" 10.5.2020
Weekly workouts programmed by Lynx Elite Personal Trainer Erin Milanese.
“Gruntwork” - 9.28.2020
Weekly workouts programmed by Lynx Elite Personal Trainer Erin Milanese.
Coach Camm: Training Tip of the Week
Training Tip of the Week: Don’t be in such a rush with your strength training.
“BYO-Dumbbell” - 9.21.2020
Weekly workouts programmed by Lynx Elite Personal Trainer Erin Milanese.
The Scoop On Protein
Losing weight is simple. And complicated.
Straightforward. But with plenty of nuance.
Wait, what?
It all comes down to calories in vs calories out, right? Or maybe don’t eat meat. Or maybe JUST eat meat?
Let’s simplify things and focus on one of the factors that is often overlooked in the weight loss discussion: protein intake.