"These Glutes Are On Fire🎶" 10.5.2020

Grab your booty band and get to work!

4 rounds
:30 on/:15 off
1) in and out squats
2) kickbacks (R)
3) kickbacks (L)
4) half circles (R)
5) half circles (L)
6) side plank clamshell (R)
7) side plank clamshell (L)
8) abductions from bridge

Get custom fitness programs from Erin! Book a virtual or in-person consultation this week and get started on a fitness journey curated just for you.

Erin Milanese

In high school, I remember spending hours in my room (like most teenagers), writing endless workouts for me to do on my bedroom floor.  When it came to picking a major in college choosing Exercises Science seemed like the perfect fit.  I could learn the intricacies of physical movement, its impact on diet and health and also was able to see the role of training on athletes in a clinical setting and on the general population in our student-run gym.

I've spent the last ten years helping individual clients as a Certified Personal Trainer and teaching groups as a Level 2 Crossfit Coach. I've worked with clients looking to lose weight, athletes training for events, pregnant and postpartum women, people learning high-level weightlifting and gymnastics movements and older populations trying to improve overall health and quality of life.  My main goal is for clients to look at exercise in a positive way and enjoy the process of training and learning. 

Let's do this together.


Coach Camm: Exercise of the Week


Coach Camm: Nutrition Nugget of the Week