Coach Camm: Nutrition Nugget of the Week

Be Nice to White Rice.

Somewhere along the line my favorite starch got lumped in with dastardly white bread (gasp!) as a fat-inducing, carb-laden, waist-expanding relic. Meanwhile, little Brown Rice up the aisle is getting all the good pub basically for doing the same job.

Guess what? White Rice is almost identical to Brown Rice in terms of nutritional content. The Brown Rice folk tout the higher protein content – but if you’re relying on rice for your protein source than you’re already in trouble. White rice is technically “processed” and not whole grain because the wheat germ is removed, but for many people that actually helps with digestion. 

But White is higher on the glycemic index and will send your blood sugar into orbit right? How often do you eat rice by itself without other foods? Because if you pair it with a protein and fat source (a big ol' steak) that will slow digestion and steady blood sugar levels.

If you are working out with any kind of intensity you need quality carb sources.  Quality definitely matters, but pick your battles wisely. No need to fret about the type of rice in your meal as long as the quantity is under control and it doesn’t cause GI distress.  

Oh and make sure you actually like the way it tastes - add salt and EVOO. 

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Brian Cammarata

Hello! I’m Brian! My goal is to not only help my clients lose fat, build muscle, and move better but to make training a part of their lives forever.  Fitness is a lifelong pursuit and I'm here to be your guide.

As a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a Level 1 Titleist Performance Institute Golf Fitness Coach, I've worked with a wide range of clients in both Boston and Los Angeles, from weekend golfers to average desk jockeys to young athletes.  We focus on getting stronger, moving better, and building good habits in and out of the gym.  As the saying goes, "we are what we repeatedly do".

We will repeatedly challenge the body, assess the results, and take time to enjoy the ride.  We won't do fad diets, mindlessly run on the hamster wheel, or take ourselves too seriously.

Playing sports led me to fitness, and fitness has given me a true desire to learn about the human body and share that knowledge with others.

Let's do this together.


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