Coach Camm: Exercise of the Week 10.28
The SL Glute Bridge with Pullover is the ultimate full body primer movement.
Use it in your warm up or as a standalone strength building exercise. Don't drop the Kettlebell on your face :)
Single Leg Glute Bridge With Pullover
The best exercises in your arsenal are multi-joint, versatile in use or implementation, and, nowadays especially, can be done from anywhere.
Well that just described the Single Leg Glute Bridge with Pullover.
The setup is very simple:
Setup on the floor with your heels as close as possible to your butt and a Kettlebell or Dumbbell behind your head at arms length.
Bridge up by pressing your heels into the floor and taking one knee and pulling it toward your chest.
Drive your plant foot into the ground to engage your glute and keep your hips level.
With arms straight take the KB or DB from the ground to your elevated knee and then slowly return to the floor
The beauty of this movement is its versatility within a training day. I mainly use it as a lower body primer before a squat or deadlift to get the glutes, hamstrings and core firing and to work on coordination.
Because it utilizes so many large muscle groups (Glutes, Lats, Pecs) it can be an excellent strength and hypertrophy exercise if loaded heavy enough or done with enough time under tension.
Plus it’s one of the movements you can really feel, especially in some notorious hard places to feel for most people (Glutes, Lats). If you have trouble feeling glutes during squats or deadlifts, or your lats during pull-ups or rows, try doing these first to help develop the mind-muscle connection to those particular muscle groups.
Glutes always,
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