I have been helping people for as long as I can remember. My experience with rehab started when I was 5 helping my mother after her ACL surgery. Since then I have been in Athletic training rooms, sports rehab clinics, physical therapy clinics, strength & conditioning facilities, small fitness studios and gyms alike.

The last 4 years I’ve spent in Boston training, I’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of both large corporate gyms, and then independently throughout the pandemic. I’ve had the pleasure of working with teenagers with connective tissue disorders, BioTech Ceo’s, 80 year olds with multiple joint replacements, competitive weightlifters and powerlifters, and everything in between.

When I work with people I take into consideration not only the aspects of gaining or losing weight, but also in improving your function as a human, to move well, and to feel better. 

Becoming a father during the pandemic and needing to step away from the gym, both personally and professionally, further instilled these values, and brought into focus the need to be kind to yourself. Everyone who enters the gym can use a sounding board, a support system and a guiding hand. You deserve that attention.


  • B.S. Exercise Science: Florida Southern College.

  • NSCA: Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist.

  • NASM: Certified Personal Trainer.

  • Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning: Certified Functional Strength Coach.

  • AASDN: Certified Nutrition Specialist.

  • PRONatal: Pre/Post Natal Trained.

  • PRI: Myokinematic Restoration