Coach Camm: Take your Split Squats to the Next Level

Exciting Exercise of the Week


Ahh the Split Squat.


The Quarantine Killer, The Covid Crusher, The Basement Behemoth.

Coach Camm Split Squat


My clients and I did a lot of split squats during our time away from the gym and for good reason – it’s a challenging lower body exercise with minimal load or even bodyweight only.


But since many of us are back in the gym let’s load this puppy up and talk about why I love the Front Foot Elevated variation.


The traditional split squat variations are regular old Split Squats (SS) with both feet staggered front/back on the floor and Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats (RFESS also called Bulgarian Split Squats) with your back foot elevated on a box or a bench.


With a Front Foot Elevated Split Squat (FFESS), the front leg is elevated on a box, plates, or anything to keep it off the floor. Positioning your front foot this way shifts your body’s center of mass backwards.


With a SS the center of mass is more centered, and with a RFESS the center of mass moves forward.


Well why is that important? If your center of mass can stay back, it allows you to squat down with a much more upright torso and the stacked skeletal positioning you always hear me talk about.


Head stacked over torso stacked over hips.


You won’t be leaning forward in that “out over your ski’s” body positioning.


Check out the form up top or on my Instagram.


It will also shift your weight more on to your heels instead of your forefoot, something I am trying to get most people to feel when they squat.


The bonus with the FFESS is if you do it correctly with the front foot setup much like a piston pumping up and down, you won’t be able to fully lockout your knee at the top.


What you sacrifice in range of motion you make up for greatly with a PUMP.


There will be constant tension on the quad AND ample contribution from the glutes since you can sit deeper into hip flexion with the elevated front foot.


If you're new to split squats this is a great variation to start with and if you're a seasoned pro this is a great one to load up nice and heavy for your unilateral work.


Up Up and Away,



Brian Cammarata

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Brian Cammarata

Hello! I’m Brian! My goal is to not only help my clients lose fat, build muscle, and move better but to make training a part of their lives forever.  Fitness is a lifelong pursuit and I'm here to be your guide.

As a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a Level 1 Titleist Performance Institute Golf Fitness Coach, I've worked with a wide range of clients in both Boston and Los Angeles, from weekend golfers to average desk jockeys to young athletes.  We focus on getting stronger, moving better, and building good habits in and out of the gym.  As the saying goes, "we are what we repeatedly do".

We will repeatedly challenge the body, assess the results, and take time to enjoy the ride.  We won't do fad diets, mindlessly run on the hamster wheel, or take ourselves too seriously.

Playing sports led me to fitness, and fitness has given me a true desire to learn about the human body and share that knowledge with others.

Let's do this together.


*Magnificent 7* Weekly Workout 3.9.21


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